Finbuckle.MultiTenant Docs

Getting Started

Finbuckle.MultiTenant is designed to be easy to use and follows standard .NET conventions as much as possible. This introduction assumes a typical ASP.NET Core use case, but any application using .NET dependency injection can work with the library.


First, install the Finbuckle.MultiTenant.AspNetCore NuGet package:


$ dotnet add package Finbuckle.MultiTenant.AspNetCore

Basic Configuration

Finbuckle.MultiTenant is simple to get started with. Below is a sample app that configured to use the subdomain as the tenant identifier and the app's configuration (most likely from an appsettings.json file) as the source of tenant details.

using Finbuckle.MultiTenant;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

// ...add app services

// add Finbuckle.MultiTenant services

var app = builder.Build();

// add the Finbuckle.MultiTenant middleware

// ...add other middleware


That's all that is needed to get going. Let's break down each line:


This line registers the base services and designates TenantInfo as the class that will hold tenant information at runtime.

The type parameter for AddMultiTenant<TTenantInfo> must be an implementation of ITenantInfo and holds basic information about the tenant such as its name and an identifier. TenantInfo is provided as a basic implementation, but a custom implementation can be used if more properties are needed.

See Core Concepts for more information on ITenantInfo.


The line tells the app that our "strategy" to determine the request tenant will be to look at the request host, which defaults to the extracting the subdomain as a tenant identifier.

See Strategies for more information.


This line tells the app that information for all tenants are in the appsettings.json file used for app configuration. If a tenant in the store has the identifier found by the strategy, the tenant will be successfully resolved for the current request.

See Stores for more information.

Finbuckle.MultiTenant comes with a collection of strategies and store types that can be mixed and matched in various ways.


This line configures the middleware which resolves the tenant using the registered strategies, stores, and other settings. Be sure to call it before other middleware which will use per-tenant functionality, such as UseAuthentication().

Basic Usage

With the services and middleware configured, access information for the current tenant from the TenantInfo property on the MultiTenantContext<TTenantInfo> object accessed from the GetMultiTenantContext<TTenantInfo> extension method:

var tenantInfo = HttpContext.GetMultiTenantContext<TenantInfo>().TenantInfo;

if(tenantInfo != null)
    var tenantId = tenantInfo.Id;
    var identifier = tenantInfo.Identifier;
    var name = tenantInfo.Name;

The type of the TenantInfo property depends on the type passed when calling AddMultiTenant<TTenantInfo> during configuration. If the current tenant could not be determined then TenantInfo will be null.

The ITenantInfo instance and the typed instance are also available directly through dependency injection.

See Configuration and Usage for more information.

Advanced Usage

The library builds on this basic functionality to provide a variety of higher level features. See the documentation for more details:


A variety of sample projects are available in the samples directory. Be sure to read the information on the index page of each sample and the code comments in the Startup class. Note that may older samples have been removed as .NET versions are end-of-lifed by Microsoft, such as .NET Core 3.0 and .NET 5. These samples are still available in earlier tagged release commits if needed.

Compiling from Source

From the command line clone the git repository, cd into the new directory, and compile with dotnet build.

$ git clone
$ cd Finbuckle.MultiTenant
Cloning into 'Finbuckle.MultiTenant'...
<output omitted>
$ cd Finbuckle.MultiTenant
$ dotnet build

Running Unit Tests

Run the unit tests from the command line with dotnet test from the solution directory.

$ dotnet test