Finbuckle.MultiTenant Docs

Per-Tenant Authentication

Finbuckle.MultiTenant provides built-in support for isolating tenant authentication. This means that the login session for a given request will only be valid for the current tenant. Subsequent requests from the same client, but for a different tenant (e.g. a different path when using the route strategy), will not leak the previous login session into the tenant. This feature also avoids the need to create separate authentication schemes for each tenant.

Common authentication options are supported per-tenant as discussed below, but additional authentication options can be configured per-tenant using per-tenant options as needed.

The sections below assume Finbuckle.MultiTenant is installed and configured. See Getting Started for details.

Using WithPerTenantAuthentication()

The WithPerTenantAuthentication() method can be called after AddMultiTenant<TTenantInfo>() and uses conventions to configure common authentication options based on public properties of the ITenantInfo type parameter.

The following happens when WithPerTenantAuthentication() is called:

  • Cookie sign-in events are modified to add a tenant claim during sign-in. Existing sign-in events are preserved.
  • Cookie validation events are modified to validate that a tenant claim exists which matches the current requests tenant. Existing validation events are preserved.

The following also happens if the ItenantInfo implementation has the appropriate property:

  • The default challenge scheme is set to the ChallengeScheme property of the ITenantInfo implementation.
  • 'LoginPath' for cookie authentication is set to the CookieLoginPath property of the ITenantInfo implementation.
  • 'LogoutPath' for cookie authentication is set to the CookieLogoutPath property of the ITenantInfo implementation.
  • 'AccessDeniedPath' for cookie authentication is set to the CookieAccessDeniedPath property of the ITenantInfo implementation.
  • Several internal services are registered to support remote authentication such as OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect.
  • Authority for OpenID connect authentication is set to the OpenIdConnectAuthority property of the ITenantInfo implementation.
  • ClientId for OpenID connect authentication is set to the OpenIdConnectClientId property of the ITenantInfo implementation.
  • ClientSecret for OpenID connect authentication is set to the OpenIdConnectClientSecret property of the ITenantInfo implementation.

If the ITenantInfo implementation lacks one of these properties there is no impact on the respective authentication property.

The cookie sign-in and validation events ensure that a tenant sign-in does not leak over to a request for another tenant within the same browser or agent. By default, if a new sign-in occurs under a new tenant then tenant claim is replaced and the prior tenant session is effectively signed off. Any request to the prior tenant will lack the correct tenant claim value and validation will reject the authentication. This behavior means only a single tenant sign-in can be active. See other authentication options below if a separate sign-in cookie for each tenant is required.

By changing the default challenge per-tenant, the user can be redirected to a different scheme as needed. Combined with a per-tenant OpenID Connect authority, this can route to shared or tenant specific authentication infrastructure.

The CookieLoginPath, CookieLogoutPath, CookieAccessDeniedPath, OpenIdConnectAuthority, OpenIdConnectClientId , OpenIdConnectClientSecret properties can use a template format where __tenant__ will be replaced with the identifier for each specific tenant. For example, a CookieLoginPath of "/__tenant__/Identity/Account/Login" will result in "/initech/Identity/Account/Login" for the Initech tenant.

The code setup is straight-forward:

using Finbuckle.MultiTenant;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

 // ...add app services

// add authentication services

// add Finbuckle.MultiTenant services

var app = builder.Build();

// add the Finbuckle.MultiTenant middleware

// ...add other middleware


The code above paired with the appsettings.json tenant configuration below produces the behavior described. Any tenant store configured similarly will also work.

  "Finbuckle:MultiTenant:Stores:ConfigurationStore": {
    "Defaults": {
      "ConnectionString": "",
      "CookieLoginPath": "/__tenant__/home/login",
      "CookieLogoutPath": "/__tenant__/home/logout"
    "Tenants": [
        "Id": "93f330717e5d4f039cd05da312d559cc",
        "Identifier": "megacorp",
        "Name": "MegaCorp",
        "ChallengeScheme": "Cookies"
        "Id": "505c5c97f4e2442394610c673ac91f61",
        "Identifier": "acme",
        "Name": "ACME",
        "ChallengeScheme": "OpenIdConnect",
        "OpenIdConnectAuthority": "",
        "OpenIdConnectClientId": "2lGONpJBwIqWuN2QDAmBbYGt0k0khwQB",
        "OpenIdConnectClientSecret": "HWxQfz6U8GvPCSsvfH5U3uv6CzAeQSt8qHrc19_qEvUQhdsaJX9Dp-t9W-5SAj0m"
        "Id": "4ee609d6da0342e682012232566cff0e",
        "Identifier": "initech",
        "Name": "Initech",
        "ChallengeScheme": "OpenIdConnect",
        "OpenIdConnectAuthority": "",
        "OpenIdConnectClientId": "nmPF6VABNmzTISvtYLPenf08ARveQifZ",
        "OpenIdConnectClientSecret": "WINWtT2WAhWYUOgGHsAPIUV-dAHs1X4qcU6Pv98HBrorlOB5OMKetnsR0Ov0LuVm"

Other Authentication Options

Internally WithPerTenantAuthentication() makes use of per-tenant options. For authentication options not covered by WithPerTenantAuthentication(), per-tenant option can provide similar behavior.

For example, if you want to configure JWT tokens so that each tenant has a different recognized authority for token validation we can add a field to the ITenantInfo implementation and configure the option per-tenant. Any options configured will overwrite earlier configurations:


// WithPerTenantAuthentication, as shown above, is needed for this to work as intended.
// Note the default JwtBearer authentication scheme is used for the options name per AspNetCore defauls,
// but you can use a custom authentication scheme name to scope the options or use ConfigureAllPerTenant
// to impact all authentication schemes.
builder.Services.ConfigurePerTenant<JwtBearerOptions, TenantInfo>(JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, (options, 
tenantInfo) =>
        // assume tenants are configured with an authority string to use here.
        options.Authority = tenantInfo.JwtAuthority;

The same approach can be used for cookie, OpenID Connect, or any other authentication options type.

Another common use case is the need to have separate cookies per tenant in addition to the functionality provided by WithPerTenantAuthentication which by default only uses a single cookie for all tenants. By using per-tenant options we can give each tenant's cookie a different name. This effectively maintains existing tenant sign-ins when switching between requests on the same browser or agent because new sign-ins are not replacing the existing cookie:


// WithPerTenantAuthentication, as shown above, is needed for this to work as intended.
// Note the default cookie authentication scheme is used for the options name per AspNetCore defauls,
// but you can use a custom authentication scheme name to scope the options or use ConfigureAllPerTenant
// to impact all authentication schemes.
builder.Services.ConfigurePerTenant<CookieAuthenticationOptions, TenantInfo>(CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, (options, tenantInfo) =>
    options.Cookie.Name = "SignInCookie-" + tenantInfo.Id;